Florida was not quite what was expected. People were in wool coats and parkas. It was 50 degrees and the sun was hiding behind clouds most of the week. I had a wonderful time learing about simulation in nursing education and was really excited to see MPC college theree with a presentation on simulation.
Simulation in nursing education and learning and patient care in general is really gaining momentum. I can really see how much easier it is to learn when you are actually doing and interacting with a patient. Experiential learning is the way of the future. When you can make learing fun... now thats the trick. Sesame street all over again. Keep it moving, let them make mistakes and then discover the mistakes that they made. Allow the learners to self critique/correct and let the learing flow.... this is the stuff that really sticks with you.

Well I am back now, and drowing in homework for the masters program. It was a great fun filled week, but alas, I am now paying dearly for it. I have a make up test in advanced pharmacology, a 7 page reflective paper for CNS, and 3 chapters to write for my research project, my reflective journals for both the education and the cns class, and last but not least the presentation on "Imagination in learning" to be presented next mon. Now, add to that meeting with and organizing Simulations for Pediatrics and Med Surge for National U. and you can see what my answer is to my question posted above....hmmmmm..... sleep???
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